- National Association for Family Child Carewww.nafcc.org
- National Child Care Associationwww.nationalchildcare.org
- Child Development Resource Center (CDRC)www.childcare.santacruzcoe.org
- Child Care Resource Centerwww.ccrcla.org
- Child Action, Inc.www.wp.childaction.org
- Early Learning Coalitionelcpinellas.org
- Step up for studentswww.stepupforstudents.org
- Child Care Licensingwww.pclb.org
- About Montessori Educationamshq.org/About-Montessori
- Reporting Misconduct of Personnel and Administrators
All members of the instructional personnel, educational support staff, and school administration are obligated to report any instances of misconduct involving instructional personnel, educational support employees, or school administrators that may impact a student’s health, safety, or overall well-being.
Examples of misconduct include obscene language, drug and alcohol use, disparaging comments, prejudice or bigotry, sexual innuendo, cheating or testing violations, physical aggression, and accepting or offering favors. Reports of misconduct of employees should be made to Daneen Klenert at 727-201-0505. Reports of misconduct committed by administrators should be made to the Florida Department of Education. - Office of Professional Practices Services
Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
Legally sufficient evidence of misconduct by educators will be reported to the Office of Professional Practices Services in Florida. Policies and procedures for reporting misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student are posted in the main entry area and on our website at www.edgewaterprep.com.
- Reporting Educator Misconduct

Participating private schools are required to ensure that their teaching staff meet the qualification standards established in section 1002.421(2) Florida Statutes.
In order to meet the minimum requirement for instructors at a participating private school, an individual must possess at least one of the following qualifications:
- A bachelor’s degree,
- 3 years teaching experience at public or private schools, or
- Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies the individual to provide instruction in specific subjects.
Parentally placed private school students with a disability do not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Ace (IDEA), as amended.